You Can Be a Christian
Becoming a Christian is not a privilege reserved for a special class of people. No, anyone and everyone can become a Christian. You don’t have to be wealthy or powerful or highly educated. You can be a Christian because God loves you. The Gospel of John tells us, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son” (3:16). Furthermore, you can be a Christian because Jesus Christ tasted death for everyone (Hebrews 2:9). God loved the world; Jesus died for everyone. That surely includes me, and it includes you as well.
Becoming a Christian is not a difficult thing to do. Have you not yet believed on Jesus as the Christ the Son of God? If not, believe in the Lord Jesus. Put your trust and confidence in Him as the Savior. Are you convinced Jesus is the Christ? If so, repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins (Acts 16:31-33; Acts 2:36-38). When you have done these things, the Lord will add you to His family, the body of Christ.
God’s sons and daughters have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). Can you imagine how many and what kind of blessings are included in that promise? Consider the benefits that can be yours with God as your Father. Imagine how peaceful your heart will be once the guilt of sin has been lifted by the blood of Jesus. Think about the hope you will have as you look beyond the hardships of this life to the joy of life eternal.
Yes, you can be a Christian. Can we help you?
- Bob Hutto