From the Preacher’s Study Episode 88
The Sermon on the Mount: Jesus Teaches on Divorce
The Sermon on the Mount: Jesus Teaches on Divorce
The Sermon on the Mount: Covenant with Your Eyes
The Sermon on the Mount: Surpassing the Pharisees: Anger
The Sermon on the Mount: Fulfillment of the Law
The Sermon on the Mount: Salt and Light
The Beatitudes (Persecuted for Righteousness)
The Beatitudes (Peacemakers)
The Beatitudes (Pure in Heart)
The Beatitudes (Merciful)
The Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes (Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness)
The Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes (Gentle/Meek)
The Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes (Those who Mourn)
The Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes (Poor in Spirit)
Learning From Old Testaments Examples of Anger
"Christ, Our Example of Holiness"
Be Angry and Sin Not
"Pursuit of Holiness"
"A Christians Relationship to the Government #2"
"A Christians Relationship to the Government #1"
"Glory in the Lord, not in Ourselves"